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18.20.120 O (Office)
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Purpose: The O (Office) District provides for development of office uses and ancillary service and retail uses that support offices. This district allows development of freestanding office buildings and office parks. The O District is consistent with the Employment Area future land use category, and implements the following Comprehensive Plan policies:

LUCC-8.2: Use zoning as a tool to avoid or minimize conflicts between land uses.

ES-4.1: Employment Districts.

A. Permitted Uses

See Section 18.20.500 (Use Matrix).

B. Dimensional Standards

1.  Development in the O District is subject to the following dimensional standards:

Standards →

Site 3, 4, or 5

Site 5

Site 3

Height (maximum)

• 3 stories/42 feet

• 6 stories/72 feet

• 12 stories/144 feet

Front yard (minimum)

• 20 feet

• 15 feet

• 10 feet

Front yard (maximum)

• n/a

• n/a

• 25 feet (Site 3) for at least 50 feet and 60% of the front elevation

Side yard (minimum)

• 10 feet

• Abutting a residential zoning district, buildings over 20 feet tall must be set back 20 feet plus an additional 1 foot for every 2 feet in height

• 10 feet

• Abutting a residential zoning district, buildings over 35 feet tall must be set back 20 feet plus an additional 1 foot for every 2 feet in height

• n/a (Site 3)

• 7½ feet (Site 5)

• That portion of buildings with a height over 40 feet must be set back 1 foot for 4 feet of height over 40 feet.

Rear yard (minimum)

• same as side yard

• same as side yard

• same as side yard

Parking/paving location

• 40 feet from street right-of-way

• 10 feet from property lines

• 30 feet from street right-of-way

• 10 feet from property lines

• 20 feet from street right-of-way

Open space

(see Section 18.30.170)

• 25% (Sites 4-5)

• 10% (Site 3)

• 20%

• 5%

2. See Chapters 18.30 (Development Standards) and 18.50 (Supplemental Use Regulations).

3. Setback requirements listed in the dimensional standards table are minimum requirements and may be required to be greater to accommodate landscape buffer requirements found in Section 18.30.130. (Ord. 19-64 § 7, 2019; Ord. 15-16 §3, 2015)