Chapter 18.20 Zoning Districts
- 18.20.010 Generally
- 18.20.020 Districts Established
- 18.20.030 Zoning Map
- 18.20.040 Zoning of Annexed Land
- 18.20.050 AG (Agricultural)
- 18.20.060 Reserved
- 18.20.070 R-1 (Residential Single-Family)
- 18.20.080 R-2 (Residential Two-Family)
- 18.20.090 R-3 (Residential Low-Density Multifamily)
- 18.20.100 R-4 (Residential Medium-Density Multifamily)
- 18.20.110 N (Neighborhood)
- 18.20.120 O (Office)
- 18.20.130 C-1 (Neighborhood Center)
- 18.20.140 C-2 (Community Center)
- 18.20.150 C-3 (Regional Center)
- 18.20.160 C-4 (Corridor Commercial)
- 18.20.180 BP (Business Park)
- 18.20.190 M-1 (Light Industrial)
- 18.20.200 M-2 (General Industrial) and M-3 (Heavy Industrial)
- 18.20.210 D (Downtown)
- 18.20.220 PD (Planned District)
- 18.20.230 TOD (Transit Oriented Development)
- 18.20.240 PR (Planned Redevelopment)
- 18.20.250 [RESERVED]
- 18.20.260 North Ridgeview Road Overlay
- 18.20.270 Cedar Creek Overlay
- 18.20.280 “Original Town” Overlay District
- 18.20.290 through 18.20.490 Reserved
- 18.20.500 Use Matrix
18.20.010 Generally
A. The use, erection, construction, reconstruction, relocation or alteration of any building, structure or land shall comply with the regulations of this Title for the zoning district in which the building, structure or land is situated.
B. Chapter 18.30 establishes the rules for applying the dimensional standards in the zoning districts. These include height, lot area, density, and yard requirements. All buildings, structures, and lots in the zoning district must comply with the dimensional standards established for that district.
C. The maximum density or floor area established in a zoning district is not granted by right. The resulting density or floor area in a development must comply with all restrictions set out by rezoning stipulations, the Comprehensive Plan, and any other applicable requirements of the Municipal Code.