Chapter 18.30 Development Standards
- 18.30.010 Purpose
- 18.30.020 Applicability
- 18.30.030 General Provisions
- 18.30.040 Adequate Public Facilities
- 18.30.050 Access Management and Driveways
- 18.30.060 Block Layout
- 18.30.065 Lots
- 18.30.070 Repealed
- 18.30.080 Easements
- 18.30.090 Erosion and Sedimentation Control
- 18.30.100 Floodplains
- 18.30.110 Height
- 18.30.120 Improvements- Completion and Maintenance
- 18.30.130 Landscaping, Buffers and Screening
- 18.30.135 Lighting
- 18.30.140 [RESERVED]
- 18.30.150 Natural Resource Protection
- 18.30.160 Parking and Loading
- 18.30.170 Parks/Open Space/Civic Space Standards
- 18.30.180 Pedestrians, Sidewalks and Trails
- 18.30.190 Performance Standards
- 18.30.200 Soil Stockpiles
- 18.30.210 Storm Water Management
- 18.30.220 Streets
- 18.30.230 Street Lighting
- 18.30.240 Tree Preservation
- 18.30.250 Underground Utilities
- 18.30.260 Water and Sewer
- 18.30.270 Yards and Setbacks
18.30.010 Purpose
This chapter provides regulations for infrastructure, site design and layout to:
•protect the public health, safety and welfare of the City and its residents;
•guide public and private policy and action in providing adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewerage, drainage, schools, parks, recreation facilities and other public facilities and requirements;
•provide the most beneficial relationship between the uses of land and buildings;
•provide efficient, multi-modal circulation throughout the City, particularly in order to avoid congestion in the streets and highways, and to provide for the proper location and width of streets and building lines in accordance with the Major Street Map;
•establish reasonable standards of design and procedures for site plans, subdivisions and resubdivisions, in order to encourage the orderly layout and use of land;
•ensure that public facilities are available and will have a sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision;
•prevent pollution of the air and waterways;
•encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the City;
•preserve the natural beauty and topography of Olathe and to ensure appropriate development preserving natural features; and
•secure dedication of public improvements that conform to City standards, specifications and the Capital Improvement Program. (Ord. 19-74 § 2, 2019)