Chapter 18.50 Supplemental Use Regulations
- 18.50.010 Generally
- 18.50.020 Accessory Uses and Structures
- 18.50.025 Accessory Dwelling Units
- 18.50.030 Animals
- 18.50.033 Crisis Care Network, Religious or Faith-Based
- 18.50.035 Day-Care and Child-Care Centers
- 18.50.040 Drive-Through
- 18.50.045 Duplex and Two-Family Homes
- 18.50.050 Fences, Walls or Hedges
- 18.50.060 Garages, Carports and Sheds (Accessory Buildings)
- 18.50.065 Gas Extraction
- 18.50.070 Home Occupations
- 18.50.075 Hospitals
- 18.50.080 Hotels and Motels
- 18.50.100 Manufactured Homes
- 18.50.130 Outdoor Dining
- 18.50.135 Outdoor Display
- 18.50.140 Payday Loan Business / Title Loan Business
- 18.50.145 Portable Storage Containers
- 18.50.150 Public/Semi-Public Buildings
- 18.50.160 Quarries and Mines
- 18.50.170 Reserved
- 18.50.180 Satellite Dish Antennas
- 18.50.190 Signs
- 18.50.200 Solar Energy and Solar Systems
- 18.50.210 Storage in Commercial Districts
- 18.50.220 Telecommunications Facilities
- 18.50.225 Temporary Uses
- 18.50.230 Utility Buildings and Cabinets
- 18.50.240 Vehicle Sales
- 18.50.250 Wind Energy Conversion Systems
18.50.010 Generally
Purpose: this chapter establishes standards for individual uses or activities that supplement the other requirements of this title. This chapter addresses requirements that are unique to those uses. In addition, this chapter can streamline development approval by:
•In some situations, replacing discretionary review (such as special use permits) with clear predictable standards, which avoids the need for additional permit review, and
•for some uses, establishing additional permissions or options for location or design that meet the unique needs of the use.
A. This chapter establishes standards for particular uses
These standards apply to a use that is subject to this chapter in addition to the standards established in the zoning regulations (Chapters 18.15 and 18.20) and any applicable development standards (Chapter 18.30).
B. All uses shall comply with all other applicable requirements of the Municipal Code.
C. If a requirement of this chapter conflicts with a requirement established elsewhere in this title, the requirement of this chapter governs.